2015年新闻存档 2015 News Archives
DSC_4126感谢主! 李鹏、关莹洁、关莹怡和程海音于12/27受洗成为神的儿女。Praise the Lord! Peng, Jessica, Jacqueline and Nina were baptised into children of Lord 12/27 at PVCCC.
DSC_4071在12/20召开的平安谷长执选举大会上, 许永光和李冰泉、柯如琇、袁化冰当选为新一届长老和执事。求主祝福他们, 赐给他们智慧和才干, 带领他们前面服事的脚步。On PVCCC congregation meeting 12/20, Wing Huie and Bingquan Li, Lucy Yin, Benjamin Yuan were elected as the new Elder and Deacons of 2016-2018 term. May God bless them, grant them wisdom and talents, and lead their serving ahead.
DSC_3785感谢主!金建华和金岚父女俩于11/29受洗成为神的儿女。求主大大祝福他们,并带领他们属灵的成长。Praise the Lord! Jianhua Jin and Lan Jin, the father and daughter pair, have been baptized as God’s son and daughter. May God greatly bless them and lead their spiritual growth.
视频 Video:2015平安谷感恩见证会 2015 PVCCC Thanksgiving Testimony Sharing
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 敬拜主,齊來頌讚耶穌聖名 Majesty and All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 
DSC_3649平安谷教会于11/01开始第一次成人主日学,共开设有慕道、圣经纵览和机要真理等三班课程, 首日进展顺利。 弟兄姐妹们选择适合自己的课程,认真听讲,收获良多。PVCCC started the first day of Adult Sunday Schoolsmoothly 11/01. There are totally three classes of Seekers, Bible Survey and Basic Truth. Brothers and sisters chose the class they like and listened hungrily with abundant gains. 
DSC_3401平安谷教会于10/24组织弟兄姐妹们前往POCONO秋游, 欣赏色彩斑斓的秋叶,并感叹神创造的奇妙和伟大。PVCCC organized afoliage viewing trip to Pocono mountain. Brothers and sisters were amazed by the colorful foliage and God’s great creation.
DSC_3240DSC_3340平安谷华人基督教会有幸邀请到原国际读经会台湾总会总干事廖明发牧师和音乐家江锡铭宣教士于10月9-11日来平安谷教会举行系列培灵、传福音及音乐布道会。PVCCC is very honored to invite Pastor Minfa Liao, former Director of Scripture Union in Taiwan and Missionary Ximing Jiang, a renowned musician to have a series of revival, evangelism training and musical gospel concert from 10/09 Friday to 10/11 Sunday.
活动视频如下 Event Videos:
DSC_3089平安谷教会于09/27举行2015金秋烧烤聚餐,共享美食佳餚,共敘上帝恩典,共增兄弟姐妹情誼。PVCCC held 2015 Golden Fall BBQ Party to enjoy the delicious food, share Lord’s Grace and love, and strengthen siblings’ friendship.
 诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 赐我自由 Grant Me Freedom
IMG_3603赵婵姐妹于09/20在教会分享神在她生命中的带领和呼召。赵婵即将前往福音机构—国际生命盼望在中国的孤儿院服事, 若您有感动愿意资助她在中国的服事,请填写并寄出此资助表。谢谢。Sister Victoria Zhao shared 09/20 the testimonies of God’s leading and calling in her life. She will go to work in the orphanage in China of Living Hope International soon. If you are touched to support her serving, please fill and mail this Support Form as instructed. Thank you. 
IMG_3589IMG_3593平安谷教会姊妹团契很高兴地邀请林美惠姐妹于09/12教导插花艺术,并分享她自己信主的历程。Sister Fellowship was very pleased to invite sister Meihui Lin to teach Japanese flower arrangement-Ikebana, and shared with us her faith journey. 
IMG_3584我们很荣幸地邀请宣教士Terry Brynan姐妹09/11在教会分享她在非洲肯尼亚的宣教见证。We were very honored to invite Missionary sister Terry Brynan 09/11 to share her testimonies of mission to Kenya, Africa. 
DSC_3032小羊事工09/05在平安谷教会举行2015中国新生迎新典礼,向新生介绍入学入读须知, 美国习俗礼仪及安全事项, 并有老生经验分享, 以期帮助新生尽快融入在美国的学习和生活。Little Lamb Ministries held 2015 Orientation for Chinese New Students at PVCCC 09/05, to introduce notes for study and life with host family, American Etiquette, customs and Safety issues, and experience sharing by old students as well, hoping to help them adapt to the new life in United States as soon as possible. 
IMG_3563晨星团契于09/05在Core Creek 公园举行烧烤聚会, 彼此团契沟通,增进弟兄姐妹之间的友谊。Morning Star Fellowship had a BBQ party at Core Creek Park to strengthen friendship between brothers and sisters.
DSC_2971平安谷长执会于08/30主日下午在教会举行面对面恳谈会, 就拟议中的新增成人主日学及变更主日敬拜时间和方式。弟兄姐妹们积极参与, 踊跃发言。PVCCC Board held a Face To Face Meeting in the afternoon 08/30, listening to congregation’s thoughts and suggestions about the draft proposal of addition of Adult Sunday School and change of worship format. Many brothers and sisters actively participated to express their suggestion and advices.
 DSC_2925平安谷儿童主日学于08/30下午举行开学典礼,庆祝新一学年的开始。PVCCC Children Sunday School held an opening ceremony in the afternoon of 08/30 to celebrate the beginning of a new school year.
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 我爱你,主! I Love You Lord! 
 DSC_2922平安谷的青年人08/16在教会分享他们最近参加2015宣教营的见证。PVCCC youths shared the testimonies of Mission Camp 2015 which they attended recently.
 DSC_2917感谢赞美主!王艾伦、王安妮和肖弟兄/黄姐妹夫妇(他们已安抵中国大陆)于08/09受洗成为神的儿女,愿主祝福他们,并带领他们成长的脚步。我们祷告肖弟兄/黄姐妹能很快在中国找到合适的教会,继续敬拜赞美我们的神。Praise the Lord! Aaron, Annie and Brother Xiao and Sister Huang who have gone back to China) were baptised to be God’s children. May God bless them and lead their spiritual growth. We pray that Brother Xiao and Sister Huang will find the right church in China and continue to worship and praise our Lord.
IMG_3472IMG_3473平安谷教会的国香姐妹、振发/嘉慧夫妇和众多儿童08/02和08/09在教会义卖自己亲手制作的蛋糕、咖啡、冰淇凌和手工制作,来帮助中国身患白血病的小雨晴,共筹集1,500$, 感谢弟兄姐妹们的爱心,求主大大地祝福我们的孩子们。Sister Grace, Ben/Emily and many children fundraised 08/02 and 08/09 with handmade cakes, coffee, ice cream and handcrafts to help Yuqing who is suffering from leukemiain China. Thank you, brothers and sisters for your heartfelt love. May God greatly bless our children.
 IMG_3339姊妹团契28位姐妹于07/11在敏慧/雪珍家唱诗敬拜,并享受精美的下午茶点,姐妹们和睦同居是何等的美善。28 sisters of Sister Fellowship gathered at Manwai/Suette’s house 07/11 to worship and enjoy elaborative afternoon tea. How good and pleasant it is for sisters to dwell together in unity. 
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 先求他的国 Seek Ye First耶和华是爱 Jehovah is Love
 DSC_2424费城角声中心于06/27在平安谷教会举行成立八周年感恩庆典,共有中宣会迦恩堂、神州教会和平安谷教会的近百位弟兄姐妹们踊跃参加。Philadelphia Herald Center held 8th Anniversary Thanksgiving Ceremony at PVCCC 06/27. About 100 brothers and sisters from OCM Cannan Church, China Grace and Peace Valley attended to support. 
 DSC_2031感谢耶和华-以勒和众弟兄姐妹们的爱心,平安谷教会在一周之内如期筹到4200美元,用于帮助曹三强牧师在尼泊尔地震灾区的赈灾事工。曹牧师和他的团队将帮助三十五户灾民重建三十五间临时房屋,每间造价400美元。若您愿意在曹牧师和团队进入尼泊尔之前继续奉献支援,请在主日奉献支票上特别注明:尼泊尔赈灾,谢谢。Praise Jehovah-Jireh and thanks to the loving hearts of brothers and sisters,PVCCC has raised 4,200$ as expected to help Rev. John Cao to build 10 houses for Nepal earthquake victims. Rev. Cao and his team will totally build 35 temporary houses for the Nepalese victim families with a cost of 400$ per house. If you would continue to help, please write Nepal Earthquake Reliefon memo of your offering check, Thank you.
 DSC_2300平安谷儿童主日学06/14举行谢师日活动, 感谢儿童主日学的老师在过去多年来在主里的忠心事奉和辛勤教导。PVCCC Children Sunday School held Teacher Appreciation Day 06/14 to thank all the teachers for their faithful serving and hard work of teaching.
 FullSizeRender李燕辉姐妹一家即将搬迁至圣路易。平安谷教会儿童主日学老师06/07在平安谷公园举行告别野餐会,感谢燕辉多年来的辛勤服事。求主祝福燕辉一家的搬迁及在圣路易的适应和安顿。Sister Yanhui Li’s family will move to St. Louis. The teachers of PVCCC Children Sunday School held a farewell picnic at Peace Valley Park to thank Yanhui for her faithful hard works for past years. May God bless her and her family for a smooth moving and settling down in St. Louis.
 DSC_1878IMG_3223今年平安谷教会有七位高中毕业生:子珊,蔼琳,牧宁,Abby,佳美,惟楚和宋倩升入大学深造。求主保守看顾她们前面的脚步, 找到合适的教会, 继续跟随主. There are 7 high school graduates this year at PVCCC:Phoebe, Alina, Ellen, Abby, Valerie, Weichu and Qian. May God lead them to the right church at college to follow Him continuously.
 IMG_3221IMG_3220黄牧师带领其他十八位弟兄姐妹现正在以色列开展为期两周(05/29-06/11)的圣地观光学习之旅。Pastor Huang is leading 18 brothers and sisters on a Tour/Study Trip to Holy Land for two weeks (05/29-06/11).
视频集锦 Video Collections:
青少年Youth:福音营 Gospel Jam
DSC_1509感谢主兴起我们的下一代!又有五位年轻的弟兄姐妹:张牧宁、陈立典、万佳美、杨佳云、叶玮麒05/17受洗归入主耶稣基督的名下。 Praise the Lord for raising our next generation! Five young brothers and sisters (Ellen Shi, Gideon Tan, Valerie Wan, Katherine Yang and Harry Ye) were baptized 05/17 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 DSC_1469小羊事工05/16星期六组织中国小留学生去往平安谷公园春游。The Little Lambs Ministry organized a Spring outing at Peace Valley Park Saturday 05/16 for the Chinese students.小羊事工春游照片集锦 Gallery of the Spring Outing of Little Lambs Ministry

DSC_1334平安谷教会于05/09开展自搬入新址以来的第一次春季大扫除。PVCCC had the first Spring Cleanup 05/09 since moving to the new address.

 IMG_3180-1余凯琳姐妹05/03分享在土耳其的学生宣教之旅,并激励大家勇敢地走出去宣教。因安全原因, 分享录音可向凯琳姐妹个别索取。Sister Kathy Yu shared her student mission in Turkey, and challenged brothers and sisters to step out comfort zone for mission. Due to safety issue, the recording of sharing could be requested from Kathy individually.
 IMG_3178 - CopyIMG_3179平安谷华人教会特邀使者协会资深同工陈怡萍姐妹, 黄其胜弟兄于05/02, 周六下午在教会举行了一场专门讲座和培训 “人文关怀与教会关怀事工”, 弟兄姐妹们受益匪浅 。PVCCC is so glad to invite Cindy Cheng and Jack Huang, of Ambassador For Christ, to give a special seminar and training course “Christian Care & Church Care Ministry” Saturday, May 2. Brothers and sisters benefited a lot from this seminar.
 DSC_0883宣教机构InterCP的新一期Vision School公开课程于03/14在平安谷教会开班。愿神大大祝福和使用Vision School。The open class of Vision School of InterCP, a mission organization was held at PVCCC 03/14. May God greatly bless and use the Vision School.
 FullSizeRender2《基督教角聲佈道團》费城分会 談周燕貽 和同工于01/25在平安谷华人教会分享她们在新移民中的关怀和福音事工。Juliana Tam and coworker from Philadelphia Branch of Chinese Christian Herald Crusades shared at PVCCC 01/25/15 their caring and gospel ministries among the new immigrants.
 DSC_0493感谢主的恩典,楼震生和孙小岚两位弟兄于01/18受洗归入主的名下。Thanks to Lord for His abundant grace, Brother Jackson Lou and Xiaolan Sun were baptized 01/18 in the name of our Lord.
 DSC_0355 (1)DSC_0361 (1)新当选的陈津生和韩英豪、余晓、朱志宏于01/05被正式设立为平安谷教会新一届长老和职事。The newly elected James Cheng and Ronald Han, Sean Yu, Zhihong Zhu were officially installed 01/05 as the new PVCCC Elder and Deacons.
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